Last Published: 3/2/2018

To find tariff rate for your product for shipment to a particular country, you will need to know your product classification number (Schedule B and HS Code).  Once you figure out your product classification number, you can now estimate tariff rates for your products:

The below tariff look-up tools will provide the most accurate tariff rate estimates. The actual charges will be determined by the importing country’s Customs and may, therefore, differ on occasion from your estimate. Foreign customs have final say in what charges will be assessed at the border. 

Start looking up your tariff rate; use only up to 6- digit level U.S version of the HS codes.

  • FTA Tariff Tool provides current FTA tariff lines and future FTA tariff rates.
  • Agricultural Tariff Tracker provides tariff look up for agricultural products.                                                                                                                    
  • WTO Tariff Database (use the “Applied Rates”). List of duty rates of World Trade Organization member countries).                                                                 
  • Express shipments may be exempt from duties and/or taxes. For a list of exemptions consult the deMinimis values for express shipment worldwide.

When can products have duty rates reduced or exempt?

Shipping to countries with which the United States has free trade agreements can reduce or eliminate tariffs. The same goes for small value express shipments. Here are some additional considerations:

  • Many countries provide tax relief (either duties and tax exemption upon entry or a refund after exportation) for items that are temporarily imported or exported, if certain conditions are met and procedures are followed. These include trade shows, conventions, training, assembly, processing, re-export after resale and repair or replacement of damaged goods.

  • Temporary shipments may also be excluded from tariff if shipped with ATA Carnet.

  • Keep in mind that what you get from this process is an estimate. Foreign customs are final say in what charges will be assessed  at the border.


    Tariff rates, i.e., taxes levied by foreign customs on the value of imported products and/or taxes and other fees, vary depending on the product and country, existence of a preferential trade agreement and other reasons.  Most of the countries assess tariffs on a CIF basis (cost, insurance and freight), but some use FOB (free on board) basis. 

    Generally, tariffs and other customs fees are collected at the time of customs clearance in the foreign port of entry. They can increase the cost of your product to foreign buyers and impact your competitiveness in the market. Understanding all costs of bringing product to the buyer help in competitively pricing your product and minimizing unwanted surprises resulting in returns of goods. Your buyer may also ask you to quote a cost estimate prior to purchase. 

    Typically, the buyer absorbs these tariffs and fees, unless the buyer and seller agree on different terms prior to shipment. In addition to tariffs, countries often impose national sales and local taxes, and customs fees.

Prepared by the International Trade Administration. With its network of 108 offices across the United States and in more than 75 countries, the International Trade Administration of the U.S. Department of Commerce utilizes its global presence and international marketing expertise to help U.S. companies sell their products and services worldwide. Locate the trade specialist in the U.S. nearest you by visiting