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International Trade Administration (ITA)

ITA is the premier resource and key partner for American companies competing in the global marketplace.

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    About ITA

    The International Trade Administration
    • Promotes trade and investment, and ensures fair trade at home and abroad through the rigorous enforcement of U.S. trade laws and agreements.
    • Creates opportunities for U.S. firms by providing focused export assistance and market research, and fostering level playing fields for American business around the world.
    • Directs efforts to promote the United States as the leading destination for foreign investment.
    ITA is comprised of three business units:
    Global Markets helps U.S. companies export goods and services, resolve market barriers, and promotes foreign investment into the United States.
    • Prepares American companies to succeed in business with foreign customers through the U.S. Commercial Service
    • Advocates for U.S. bidders in foreign government tenders through its Advocacy Center.
    • Promotes the United States as the premier investment location through SelectUSA
    Industry & Analysis provides expertise on international trade, investment, and export promotion across a range of industries and sectors.
    • Executes export promotion programs, including trade missions, foreign trade fairs, and the International Buyer Program.
    • Represents the interests of U.S. industry in trade negotiations.
    • Publishes research on global opportunities for U.S. industry.
    Enforcement & Compliance works to maintain open markets, promote investment and business activity, and provide U.S. businesses and workers with the opportunity to compete on a level playing field both in the United States and abroad.
    • Investigates allegations of unfair dumping and subsidization, and imposes border measures to offset such market-distorting conduct.
    • Facilitates trade and promotes U.S. business investment and commercial activity in more than 1,000 federally designated Foreign Trade Zones.
    • Monitors and ensures compliance with more than 250 industrial trade agreements negotiated on behalf of the United States.
    • Seeks strong, enforceable commitments on behalf of U.S. firms in trade negotiations.
    Read more about how ITA customers feel about our services, the success they’ve achieved as a result of working with ITA, and the economic impact of ITA assistance on U.S. jobs and the economy.